North Island Clubs


Auckland Bonsai Society

President: Brendon Covich | Vice President: Ross Phillips

Treasurer: Denise Morris | Secretary: Vanessa Hope-Lewis

Meetings: 7:00pm on second Thursday of each month (except January)

Location: St. Lukes Church Hall, 704 New North Road, St. Lukes Auckland.

Website: Auckland Bonsai Society

Facebook: @aklbonsaiclub

Kenzo Bonsai Club

President: Martin Walters

Meetings: By Appointment

Facebook: Kenzo


Bonsai Study Group

Led by: Bob Langholm

Phone: 09 629 3662


President: Kelly O’Meara, 027 263 7444

Secretary: Trevor Bond, 027 675 5584

Meetings: 47 Aviemore Drive, Highland Park, Auckland

Date: 3rd Thursday of the month

Time: 6:30 -7:00pm for beginners, 7:00 - 9:30pm for main body of the meeting

Hamilton Bonsai Club

President: Steve Loveridge, 022 4738894

Vice President: Ann Mudie

Meetings: 2pm on the second Sunday of each month

Location: Melville Community Hall, 84 Ohaupo Rd, Melville, Hamilton

Website: Hamilton Bonsai Club

Facebook: Hamilton Bonsai Club

Franklin Bonsai Club

Contact: Gerry Boy

Phone: 021 236 1499


Bay of Plenty Bonsai Society

President: John Vercoe | Secretary: Innes Cate 

Meetings: 1pm on the last Sunday of each month

Location: 165 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga (Legion Frontiermen Hall)

Phone: Innes Cate 021 2555649

Website: Bay of Plenty Bonsai Society


Rotorua Bonsai Club

President: Selwyn Hatrick | Secretary: Rick Merrington

Meetings: 2pm on the second Sunday of each month

Location: Phone for meeting location

Phone: Selwyn 07 348 5353 or Rick 0274 808 141

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New Plymouth Bonsai Club

President: Paul Urbahn

Secretary: Nicola Stevenson

Meetings: 1:30pm on last Sunday of the month

Location: Disabled Citizens’ Rooms, 83 Hine Street, New Plymouth

Facebook: @newplymouthbonsaiclub


Manawatu Bonsai

President: Greg Tuthill

Meetings: 7pm on the third Tuesday of each month

Location: Community Leisure Centre, 569 Fergusson Street, Palmerston North

Facebook: Manawatu Bonsai Inc.


Wellington Bonsai Club

President: Garth Lippitt

Secretary: Leon Hosie | Treasurer: Paula Rowe

Meetings: 9:30am-4pm on the first Sunday of each month except January

Location: Hutt Valley Tramping Club rooms, Philip Evans Reserve, Birch Street, Waterloo, Lower Hutt

Website: Wellington Bonsai Club